Beswick Timmy Tiptoes

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Timmy Tiptoes

This model comes in two variations and they were both modelled by Arthur Gredington.   
First Variation: In the first variation Timmy is wearing a Red jacket.   His body colour can vary from brown-grey to grey.  
This variation was issued in 1948 and ran right up until 1980.  It can have the back-stamp BP-1a (brown-grey squirrel), BP1a – (grey squirrel), BP-1b, BP2a (brown-grey squirrel), BP-2a (grey squirrel), BP-3a (brown-grey squirrel), BP-3a (grey squirrel), BP-3b (brown-grey squirrel) or BP-3b (grey squirrel).
Second Variation: In this variation Timmy has a pink jacket.  He can vary in colour as in the first variation. The figurine was issued in 1970 and discontinued in 1997 and has the back-stamp BP-2a, BP-3b, or BP-3c.

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